Showing posts with label Affiliate Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affiliate Marketing. Show all posts


On our previous post We stopped at How To Create a Facebook PageStep of Step #4 of the 7-step facebook autopilot cash strategy. Here we are going to start with How to find thousands of cool topics for your Pages.
How to find thousands of cool topics for your Pages!
Your Facebook pages can be about practically anything:
For some inspiration, browse through the list of popular Facebook pages here:
Also, these two research tools will help you find out what’s ‘hot’ right now and give you hundreds of topic ideas: Google Insights and Google Trends.
Google Insights
Check out the Google Insights tool to see what is popular right now.
This allows you to filter out and see what is being searched under “products, news, web search and images”. (note: for commercial Facebook Pages such as the ones you are about to create, best to zone in on “web search and products”).
If we want to see the most popular searches over the last 30 days for “web search”, we simply select the appropriate category and click ‘search’.
Google Trends
Another tool I use for my research which has had excellent response is to use the power of Google Trends.
I have highlighted the “celebrity” keywords because these are the ones that can generate a lot of searches on Facebook in a short space of time. Using these techniques we can see what is currently “hot” right now in the news and what is being talked about.
Research like this also allows us to create a Facebook Page before anyone else and start generating traffic before anyone else does.
This kind of research helps ensure that your Facebook Page goes “viral” fast.
Check out some of the most popular pages on Facebook
Texas Hold'em Poker 21,587,545 people like this
Michael Jackson 17,071,166 people like this
Facebook 14,256,657 people like this
Lady Gaga 13,709,016 people like this
Family Guy 13,465,090 people like this
Mafia Wars 13,210,273 people like this
Vin Diesel 12,319,349 people like this
Barack Obama 11,374,469 people like this
Starbucks 11,065,919 people like this
House 10,837,888 people like this
Megan Fox 10,324,848 people like this
The Twilight Saga 10,271,408 people like this
YouTube 9,119,148 people like this
Linkin Park 9,010,614 people like this
Music 8,940,419 people like this
South Park 8,927,800 people like this
Cristiano Ronaldo 8,926,170 people like this
Coca-Cola 8,676,376 people like this
Dr. House 8,592,295 people like this
Lil Wayne 8,573,646 people like this
Eminem 8,278,836 people like this
Justin Bieber 8,138,538 people like this
Taylor Swift 7,837,484 people like this
Bob Marley 7,395,765 people like this
Skittles 7,270,627 people like this
Oreo 7,210,954 people like this
"Mom, mom, mommy, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi! 7,156,266 people like this
Metallica 7,055,499 people like this
Red Bull 7,033,630 people like this
Selena Gomez 6,894,907 people like this
Grey's Anatomy 6,639,209 people like this
Reading 6,607,335 people like this
Twilight 6,388,891 people like this
Rihanna 6,281,635 people like this
I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!!! 6,277,349 people like this
The Hangover 6,177,001 people like this
The Beatles 5,804,502 people like this
Zoo 5,759,986 people like this
Adam Sandler 5,697,727 people like this
David Guetta 5,659,644 people like this
Two and a Half Men 5,631,254 people like this
Katy Perry 5,628,346 people like this
SpongeBob SquarePants 5,580,416 people like this
Scrubs 5,500,200 people like this
Victoria's Secret 5,463,634 people like this
I ? SLEEP 5,184,609 people like this
Lost 5,139,314 people like this
Rock music 5,064,230 people like this
Pizza 5,029,576 people like this
I really hate slow computers 4,726,381 people like this
Shakira 5,606,898 people like this
Beyoncé 5,307,049 people like this
Titanic 5,277,551 people like this
Pink Floyd 5,156,248 people like this
AKON 5,034,785 people like this
Windows Live Messenger 5,011,068 people like this
Los simpson 4,981,166 people like this
The Office 4,971,058 people like this
Glee 4,958,228 people like this
Avril Lavigne 4,938,043 people like this
Disney 4,904,777 people like this
NCIS 4,858,855 people like this
Of course, you can outsource all of this on,, etc. and get this done for just $5.
STEP #5: Buy An Old-Style Facebook Group & Change Name
In step #5, you are going to buy an old-style Facebook Group on or, take it over, and then change the name of the Group to something relevant to your target market.
What exactly is a Facebook Group?
A Facebook Group is like a ‘private club’ on Facebook. Groups have administrators that manage the group, approve applicants or invite others to join.
The key benefit of Facebook Groups, is that when you have a Facebook Group, you can actually send direct messages (emails) all the members of your Group! (so long as your group doesn’t exceed 5,000 members)
You can find out more about Facebook Groups at
I have many Facebook Groups…
In total I have more than 20,000 Group Members, across multiple groups, that I can send a Facebook message to.
How can you profit from this? Well, for example you can promote to your members…
a. Your own products
b. Your own services
c. Affiliate offers
d. CPA offers
e. Webinars
f. Seminars, Etc.
NOTE: make sure these offers are relevant to the topic of your group!
Note: Your status updates in your Facebook Groups do not get seen in the newsfeeds of your members.
Also, psychologically it is less of a commitment to click on a ‘Like’ button rather than ‘commit’ to being a part of a ‘Group’.
For these reasons Facebook Groups don’t grow virally, and they don’t tend to grow anywhere near as fast as Facebook Pages do. But the PLUS side though is that with Facebook Groups, by clicking on the ‘Message.
All Members’ button, you can email the members directly, within Facebook!
Sending out offers to your list of members is sometimes like making CASH ON DEMAND!
Although you can create NEW Facebook Groups in the same way as you Facebook Pages, at ‘new-style’ Facebook Groups don’t allow you to invite friends to join, nor do they allow you to send messages to your members. (instead, you post updates on your Group’s ‘Wall’, which get seen in the members’ newsfeeds, like happens with Facebook Pages and their ‘fans’).
This of course defeats the point of having a Group in the first place.
The GOOD news is that Facebook Groups created BEFORE this change in the format, can STILL invite lots of friends to join at once, and you can STILL send out up to 5,000 emails at a time to all the members!
So what is recommended is to BUY an old-style Facebook Group on or, become the Admin of the group, and then change the NAME of the Group. It is recommended you delete the existing members, if the topic of the Group you bought is too much at odds with the topic of the target market you are focusing on. This will avoid having the members of the Group you took over complain to Facebook about the messages you are sending them.
Check out how a Follower went from zero to $3,000+ a month in less than 70 days, thanks to this strategy:
 “I Got 21,000 Group Members In Less Than 60 Days, I Make A Full- Time Living Online, And I Live In Sunny Tenerife!”
“Hi naijaultimateblog, since I joined your coaching program 60 days ago I’ve built up…
72 Facebook Groups with 21,000 Facebook Group members,
11,000 Facebook friends,
17,000 Twitter followers!
…and in the last 32 days I also built a list of more than 2,000 subscribers!
My secret is that I followed advice, and I went to and On these websites, I posted that I am looking to buy old-style Facebook Groups (these groups allow you to email your members, as long as you only have 5,000 members or less).
On, I offered to pay outsourcers for 1 hour of their time (their fee is usually $2 to $5 per hour…) for them to transfer their Facebook Groups over to me. Because they want to build up their feedback score on, so that they can get better outsourcing jobs, they gladly agree to sell me their Groups for just $1-$2 each.
I spent just $122 to buy 72 Facebook Groups, and I quickly got 21,000 Group members! I also use to build my Twitter list. This software adds 70-80 people to each of your Twitter accounts each day. I am getting 2,000 new followers a week now!
In the last 32 days, by posting a link to my optin page on Facebook and Twitter, I built up a mailing list of 2,000 subscribers… without spending a dime!
My secret regarding how I make money online (how I monetize all this free traffic), is that like I learned while following your updates, I give away ebooks and products for free, and I upsell them on the thank you page! (the download page). So simple, yet very, very effective.

In total I have spent less than $250 on setting up this new business.
I am now making a full-time living thanks to what I learned, and soon I’ll reach $5,000 a month.

(we shall continue with Step #6 on Getting Thousands Of Facebook Fans & Group Members later on, you can also like our facebook page to get frequent  updates).


Here we are starting from step 3 of this Topic THE 7-STEP FACEBOOK AUTOPILOT CASH STRATEGY
STEP #3: In each Facebook account, join 100 relevant Facebook Groups and Pages.
In each Facebook account, join 100 relevant Facebook Groups and Pages.
This is where you will find prospects for your new business (people interested in buying things from you, relevant to your chosen market).
For example, if your new Facebook account is focused on the ‘weight loss’ target market, join 100 weight-loss-related groups and pages.
Tip: use the Facebook search function at the top of your Facebook profile.
Type in the keywords you are looking for:
You will then see a list of Groups and Pages relevant to that keyword:
If you click on the ‘Groups’ tab on the left hand side, here’s what you see:
You will see in the example above how EASY it is to find THOUSANDS of new prospects for your marketing campaigns.
You see, Facebook is a real bonanza for marketers, because users TELL YOU what they’re interested in, through the keywords in their Profile description, the Groups they choose to join, the Pages they choose to ‘Like’, even their posts on their profile Wall!
STEP #4: Create A Facebook Page
In step #4, you are going to create a Facebook Page relevant to your target market. For example, if your Facebook account is focused on the ‘weight loss’ market, you could create a Facebook Page called ‘I Love Weight Watchers’.
What exactly is A facebook Page?
A Facebook Page is a miniature landing page on Facebook (kind of like a blog) that allows a business or an organization to communicate with users on Facebook. It is different from a Facebook profile (which is designed for people). While your Facebook profile represents you as a person, your fan page represents your business or organization.
I have set up a ‘Naijaultimateblog’ Facebook Page Having a Facebook Page allows you to have tens of thousands (even millions) of ‘fans’ – as opposed to a ‘Facebook Profile’ which only allows you to have 5,000 friends.
The Viral Power of facebook Pages
What’s GREAT about Facebook Pages is that your fans will be notified of new updates to your fan page.
Thousands (and even millions) of Facebook users can ‘Like’ your page (by clicking on the ‘Like’ button at the top of your page) …which means they become a ‘fan’ of that page…
This means that when you write a status update on your Facebook Page…the fans of the Page get to see the status update in their NEWSFEED on Facebook!
Here’s an example:
I wrote on my Facebook Page ‘I look forward to seeing you tonight on the webinar…’ and then copied & pasted the webinar registration URL.
The result was that 2,125 people saw that update in their NEWSFEED on Facebook! (and that was just from ONE update!)
“This means EXPOSURE for your business, this means CLICKS on the link and therefore TRAFFIC to your website, and ultimately… this means MONEY”.
(In a bit I am going to show you how to turn all this FREE EXPOSURE and FREE TRAFFIC into PROFIT)
What’s ALSO GREAT about Facebook Pages is that they get ranked in the search engines (so you can get MORE free traffic thanks to GOOGLE for example)…and EVEN BETTER is the fact that Facebook Pages are incredibly VIRAL!
Why? Because when someone on Facebook clicks the LIKE button on your page…
a) THEIR FRIENDS see that they’ve done this (so they find out about your page as well)
b) YOUR PAGE appears in their ‘likes’ on their Facebook Profile (their friends can see your Page there as well)
c) When they like or comment on one of your Page ‘status updates’ that update is seen in THEIR FRIENDS’ NEWSFEEDS TOO!
Each Facebook user has 230 friends on average. So imagine if you have 10,000 fans on your various Facebook Pages…it is almost like having a NETWORK of 2,300,000 people that you can potentially reach simply by posting daily STATUS UPDATES on your Facebook Page Wall!
“This means that you can quickly grow your pages to having TENS OF THOUSANDS AND EVEN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FANS VERY, VERY QUICKLY! Again, this means MORE EXPOSURE, more TRAFFIC, and more MONEY”.
Some people make approximately $3,000 a month by promoting CPA offers on their Facebook Pages. The great thing is … it only takes a couple of minutes to set up a Facebook Page! Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE OF CHARGE?
How To Create a Facebook Page
Once you’re logged into your Facebook account, to CREATE a Facebook Page go here:
You might want to create a Facebook Page about an Artist or band, a celebrity or Public Figure, a Company, Organization, or Institution, a Local Business or Place, a Brand or a Product, etc.
Typically, I personally like to create simple Pages about a ‘Cause or Topic’. For example, if I am targeting the weight loss market, I could create a Facebook Page called ‘I Love Weight Watchers’.
So I’d click on the ‘Cause or Topic’ option, and type in the TITLE of my Page:
When I click then on ‘Get Started’, here’s what happens:
The next thing I need to do is add a picture that is relevant to the topic.
Now once you have created your community page you will need to find a suitable picture (avoid using pictures that break copyright rules).
Use one of your own pictures (i.e. a picture you’ve taken yourself), or go to
I usually go to to find pictures (though sometimes I just one of my own pictures).

In I type in ‘lose weight’ in the search box: I download one of the images (make sure it isn’t a copyrighted image), and then upload it to my new Facebook Page.

Next, I click on the ‘info’ tab:
I am asked to type in some ‘Basic Information’ about the Page:

Fill in a bit about who this page is for, and type in one of your URLs (e.g. your affiliate link, or CPA link, or a link to an optin page of yours that captures leads, or a link to a website of yours where you sell your product, etc).

E.g. I will write who the Page is for (what my target market is), and if I have a website that I want to send traffic to already, I will add it there as well.

Next, I click on the ‘Wall’ tab, and I add a short ‘welcome’ message – again, pointing people to a website (if I have one ready – otherwise, I’ll fill this in at a later stage):

CONGRATULATIONS, you now have a new Facebook Page. Easy, right?

This is where we shall end the Step #4 of this post. (we shall continue with Step #4 on  How to find thousands of cool topics for your Pages! later, you can also like our facebook page to get frequent  updates).


We have earlier gone through the preliminaries and explained a bit about Facebook and Internet Marketing, let’s get into the real meat of this post.
I am about to share with you the 7-Step Strategy responsible for most of the aforementioned success stories.
Let me walk you through this strategy step-by-step.
STEP #1: Create a Facebook account
As a starting point to this strategy, you need to have a Facebook account. You can set up Facebook accounts for FREE at
This Facebook account will be used for marketing purposes. So make sure you use an alias, not your real name.


After you send out the first e-mail ad it's very important to follow-up a day or two later with your list. People may have skipped over it the first time, sometimes people need to see an ad a couple of times before they click or buy or the first e-mail subject line never grabbed their attention.
Nowadays Internet software and e-mail filters can block you email messages from even getting to your opt-in subscribers.
This report will give thirty reasons to follow-up with your list subscribers. Just make sure to be honest when you use these follow-up strategies.


Don't worry if it sounds strange to you now, you'll be learning a lot once you get through this post.If your main objection is that you don’t have the time or energy to create content, this system will also offer a quick solution. You can create content on any subject in a day. Your follow up messages represent the “bait” which helps to pre-sell and, eventually, convert captured visitors into customers. It’s a one-two punch…

The ultimate benefit of the affiliate money machine system is the speed with which you can target and penetrate Any Niche Affiliate products.

There is no need to waste any time setting up a complicated process. You simply follow the steps and, in one week or more, you’ll have a simple website set up with sound marketing principles in mind. You’ll see profit sooner rather than later, and for a lot less work.

Step #1: Targeting A Profitable Affiliate Niche Market


If you've been an affiliate for almost any length of time, you should know that offering an affiliate bonus is a powerful way to increase your commissions. You simply give them something for free or no cost for ordering the product through your affiliate link.
This short report contains 30 hot ideas for creating affiliate bonus. The affiliate bonus will give your target audience a good reason to purchase the product through your affiliate link. The best thing is that some of these affiliate bonuses you don't even have to create yourself.
The entire point of the ‘affiliate bonus’ is to encourage potential customers to purchase the product through your affiliate link.


The following report includes 50 powerful marketing formulas every marketer should know. Do you really need to know all of these formulas to be successful? Of course not. But if there are at least a few formulas you didn't know before, just imagine how valuable they could be to your business.
The most important thing is to study each marketing formula with an open mind. The more you understand about any formula, the more useful and beneficial it will be. A careful reading of these formulas could really make a big difference in your profits.
The entire point of this post is to give you inspirations and idea so that you might have new marketing ideas which help you to grow your business to the next level.


One of the most important things you can do is to presell your product before or even after your launches. Preselling will increase your conversion and sales rates better than just blind selling it.
People won't put up their buying defense shields as quit with a presell advertisement like they would with a direct buy offer. Preselling will educate them about the product and get them interested and excited in it before they have to make a decision to buy.
This post will give you 30 killer ideas to presell your product to your target audience.
1. Video Demonstrations
Show your target audience a video demonstration of how to use your upcoming product. When people better understand a product and what it can do for them the more persuaded they will be to spend their hard earned money on it.


This post contains a series of secrets called “Online Marketing Secrets”, and they will work at ANYTIME! Apply them to your marketing and you’ll be surprised at the results. I hope you’ll enjoy reading through them and find them to be useful in your own business.
To Your Success,
The Online Marketing Secrets Series starts below. We're not going in any particular order for the moment. This message is more for people who are already started than someone who is 100% brand new to internet marketing, but newbies will want to read it over, too.


If you’re not particularly talented with either writing or design, but you have an understanding of online marketing, there are a couple of quick ways to make some cash.
Most affiliate programs and other online moneymaking methods take quite a bit of time to set up. In fact, it can take months to start making money with the average website, because you have to wait for the Google spiders to crawl your site, then to get backlinks, then for it to rank.
However, you can make money immediate with a couple of methods. You just need very basic online marketing skills, and you’re in business!
Instant Affiliate Commissions
One easy way to make money quickly is by promoting affiliate programs that pay instantly. The way these work is by using a script to send alternating sales to the affiliate and the product owner. Let’s say the product owner wishes to pay 50% commissions. The script would alternate, sending one sale to the product owner, and then one to you. That way, you get your money instantly, without having to wait for the product owner to pay you! It goes straight into your PayPal account.


Become An Information Provider
What you'll learn here is how to profit from people's universal need for information.
You're going to learn how to position yourself in the marketplace as an information provider.
Why? Because information is the number one product for the Internet. The demand for information far exceeds any other “item” you could sell.
Further, you aren't limited by “availability”. Information doesn't have to be manufactured or shipped. It’s something you can produce using your own knowledge and experience.
By now, you might be wondering what type of information you can provide. Think again about all of the things you tend to search for online. You're usually looking for a solution or answer to a problem, question or concern, right?


Connecting Buyers And Sellers Together Through Information!
Before you create your own information products, it is easiest to learn the business by acting as a “middle-person” between the buyers and sellers of information. You'll still use information to do this.
This may seem confusing at first, so let me give you some examples.
Let's say that a potential buyer is looking for information on weight loss. They'll do their search in the search engine, and come across thousands of websites that offer diets, exercise tips and weight loss tips.
The main concern for this potential buyer is: “Which solution is best for me?”
Here's where you come in as the 'middle-person'. You've researched the weight loss market, and all of the major solutions and products available in it. You decide that Burn The Fat offers one of the best solutions for the money. Your job, then, is to connect with that buyer and show him or her why “Burn the Fat” is an ideal solution for them to invest in.


In order to get more traffic and sales, a merchant can start what is known as an “affiliate program”.

In practical terms, an affiliate program is simply the 'structure' under which the merchant will provide support and incentive to the affiliates who join the program. Setting up the program requires the merchant to do several things:
✔ Implement an affiliate “tracking” system
✔ Decide what to pay affiliates for each referred sale on a given product.
✔ Set up support and resources for affiliates so they can easily market the products

The affiliate tracking systems can be run by the merchant, or through a third-party like Commission Junction or Clickbank. “Commissions” (what affiliates are paid) are usually set as a percentage of product price. Lastly, the support and resources include things like banners, solo ads and other pre-written promotional material the affiliate can use.
When an affiliate joins a particular affiliate program, he is given an “affiliate link”.
This link is unique to that individual affiliate, and all visitors referred by the affiliate through that link are tracked and credited to the affiliate.
To sum up: when a visitor clicks through an affiliate link and purchases something, the affiliate who referred that visitor gets credit for the sale and gets paid a commission.


What can owning an Internet business do for you, why do people do business on the Internet?
It’s all about freedom, when it comes down to it. An Internet business gives you more freedom of choice in:
✔ How your time is spent
✔ How your unique talents and interests are expressed
✔ How much you are able to earn
Take note that in the Internet business, you are your own boss. You get to decide where the focus is in terms of the products you're selling, how much time and effort you invest in selling them, and how you want to grow your business. Also you get to set your own hours and you won't be fired or laid off. You get to run your business for as long as you wish; and, if you find it just doesn't suit you, you can change the focus of your business, sell it off, even quit and go back to the 9 to 5 world if you want.
Now, it should go without saying that Internet business is also about money. Potentially lots of money if you hit a lucrative niche and understand how to exploit it. I challenge you to find any other home-based business that can pull in as much income as an Internet business!
We're in a unique point in history where almost anyone can have their own business. The reason for this is that the cost, or barriers, to entry in the Internet business are amazingly low.
In traditional business, you might have to spend several thousand dollars just to get started.
(This is out of reach for the average person).


Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers, web viewers, web searchers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. This type of work belongs to a category called affective labor.

The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure publishers, employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.

Advertising is at the front of delivering the proper message to customers and prospective customers. The purpose of advertising is to convince customers that a company's services or products are the best, enhance the image of the company, point out and create a need for products or services, demonstrate new uses for established products, announce new products and programs, reinforce the salespeople's individual messages, draw customers to the business, and to hold existing customers.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through "branding," which involves associating a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers, web searchers or web viewers. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement (PSA).

Modern advertising is created with innovative techniques. Virtually any medium can be used for advertising. Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards and forehead advertising, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of airplanes ("logojets"), in-flight advertisements on seatback tray tables or overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic bands on disposable diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping cart handles (grabertising), the opening section of streaming audio and video, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts.

Any place an "identified" sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.


Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer.

The market has grown in complexity, resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors.