On our previous post We stopped at How To Create a Facebook PageStep of Step #4 of the 7-step facebook autopilot cash strategy. Here we are going to start with How to find thousands of cool topics for your Pages.
How to find thousands of cool topics for your Pages!
Your Facebook pages can be about practically anything:
For some inspiration, browse through the list of popular Facebook pages here:
Also, these two research tools will help you find out what’s ‘hot’ right now and give you hundreds of topic ideas: Google Insights and Google Trends.
Google Insights
Check out the Google Insights tool to see what is popular right now.
This allows you to filter out and see what is being searched under “products, news, web search and images”. (note: for commercial Facebook Pages such as the ones you are about to create, best to zone in on “web search and products”).
If we want to see the most popular searches over the last 30 days for “web search”, we simply select the appropriate category and click ‘search’.
Google Trends
Another tool I use for my research which has had excellent response is to use the power of Google Trends.
I have highlighted the “celebrity” keywords because these are the ones that can generate a lot of searches on Facebook in a short space of time. Using these techniques we can see what is currently “hot” right now in the news and what is being talked about.
Research like this also allows us to create a Facebook Page before anyone else and start generating traffic before anyone else does.
This kind of research helps ensure that your Facebook Page goes “viral” fast.
Check out some of the most popular pages on Facebook
Texas Hold'em Poker 21,587,545 people like this
Michael Jackson 17,071,166 people like this
Facebook 14,256,657 people like this
Lady Gaga 13,709,016 people like this
Family Guy 13,465,090 people like this
Mafia Wars 13,210,273 people like this
Vin Diesel 12,319,349 people like this
Barack Obama 11,374,469 people like this
Starbucks 11,065,919 people like this
House 10,837,888 people like this
Megan Fox 10,324,848 people like this
The Twilight Saga 10,271,408 people like this
YouTube 9,119,148 people like this
Linkin Park 9,010,614 people like this
Music 8,940,419 people like this
South Park 8,927,800 people like this
Cristiano Ronaldo 8,926,170 people like this
Coca-Cola 8,676,376 people like this
Dr. House 8,592,295 people like this
Lil Wayne 8,573,646 people like this
Eminem 8,278,836 people like this
Justin Bieber 8,138,538 people like this
Taylor Swift 7,837,484 people like this
Bob Marley 7,395,765 people like this
Skittles 7,270,627 people like this
Oreo 7,210,954 people like this
"Mom, mom, mommy, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi! 7,156,266 people like this
Metallica 7,055,499 people like this
Red Bull 7,033,630 people like this
Selena Gomez 6,894,907 people like this
Grey's Anatomy 6,639,209 people like this
Reading 6,607,335 people like this
Twilight 6,388,891 people like this
Rihanna 6,281,635 people like this
I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!!! 6,277,349 people like this
The Hangover 6,177,001 people like this
The Beatles 5,804,502 people like this
Zoo 5,759,986 people like this
Adam Sandler 5,697,727 people like this
David Guetta 5,659,644 people like this
Two and a Half Men 5,631,254 people like this
Katy Perry 5,628,346 people like this
SpongeBob SquarePants 5,580,416 people like this
Scrubs 5,500,200 people like this
Victoria's Secret 5,463,634 people like this
I ? SLEEP 5,184,609 people like this
Lost 5,139,314 people like this
Rock music 5,064,230 people like this
Pizza 5,029,576 people like this
I really hate slow computers 4,726,381 people like this
Shakira 5,606,898 people like this
Beyoncé 5,307,049 people like this
Titanic 5,277,551 people like this
Pink Floyd 5,156,248 people like this
AKON 5,034,785 people like this
Windows Live Messenger 5,011,068 people like this
Los simpson 4,981,166 people like this
The Office 4,971,058 people like this
Glee 4,958,228 people like this
Avril Lavigne 4,938,043 people like this
Disney 4,904,777 people like this
NCIS 4,858,855 people like this
Of course, you can outsource all of this on,, etc. and get this done for just $5.
STEP #5: Buy An Old-Style Facebook Group & Change Name
In step #5, you are going to buy an old-style Facebook Group on or, take it over, and then change the name of the Group to something relevant to your target market.
What exactly is a Facebook Group?
A Facebook Group is like a ‘private club’ on Facebook. Groups have administrators that manage the group, approve applicants or invite others to join.
The key benefit of Facebook Groups, is that when you have a Facebook Group, you can actually send direct messages (emails) all the members of your Group! (so long as your group doesn’t exceed 5,000 members)
You can find out more about Facebook Groups at
I have many Facebook Groups…
In total I have more than 20,000 Group Members, across multiple groups, that I can send a Facebook message to.
How can you profit from this? Well, for example you can promote to your members…
a. Your own products
b. Your own services
c. Affiliate offers
d. CPA offers
e. Webinars
f. Seminars, Etc.
NOTE: make sure these offers are relevant to the topic of your group!
Note: Your status updates in your Facebook Groups do not get seen in the newsfeeds of your members.
Also, psychologically it is less of a commitment to click on a ‘Like’ button rather than ‘commit’ to being a part of a ‘Group’.
For these reasons Facebook Groups don’t grow virally, and they don’t tend to grow anywhere near as fast as Facebook Pages do. But the PLUS side though is that with Facebook Groups, by clicking on the ‘Message.
All Members’ button, you can email the members directly, within Facebook!
Sending out offers to your list of members is sometimes like making CASH ON DEMAND!
Although you can create NEW Facebook Groups in the same way as you Facebook Pages, at ‘new-style’ Facebook Groups don’t allow you to invite friends to join, nor do they allow you to send messages to your members. (instead, you post updates on your Group’s ‘Wall’, which get seen in the members’ newsfeeds, like happens with Facebook Pages and their ‘fans’).
This of course defeats the point of having a Group in the first place.
The GOOD news is that Facebook Groups created BEFORE this change in the format, can STILL invite lots of friends to join at once, and you can STILL send out up to 5,000 emails at a time to all the members!
So what is recommended is to BUY an old-style Facebook Group on or, become the Admin of the group, and then change the NAME of the Group. It is recommended you delete the existing members, if the topic of the Group you bought is too much at odds with the topic of the target market you are focusing on. This will avoid having the members of the Group you took over complain to Facebook about the messages you are sending them.
Check out how a Follower went from zero to $3,000+ a month in less than 70 days, thanks to this strategy:
 “I Got 21,000 Group Members In Less Than 60 Days, I Make A Full- Time Living Online, And I Live In Sunny Tenerife!”
“Hi naijaultimateblog, since I joined your coaching program 60 days ago I’ve built up…
72 Facebook Groups with 21,000 Facebook Group members,
11,000 Facebook friends,
17,000 Twitter followers!
…and in the last 32 days I also built a list of more than 2,000 subscribers!
My secret is that I followed advice, and I went to and On these websites, I posted that I am looking to buy old-style Facebook Groups (these groups allow you to email your members, as long as you only have 5,000 members or less).
On, I offered to pay outsourcers for 1 hour of their time (their fee is usually $2 to $5 per hour…) for them to transfer their Facebook Groups over to me. Because they want to build up their feedback score on, so that they can get better outsourcing jobs, they gladly agree to sell me their Groups for just $1-$2 each.
I spent just $122 to buy 72 Facebook Groups, and I quickly got 21,000 Group members! I also use to build my Twitter list. This software adds 70-80 people to each of your Twitter accounts each day. I am getting 2,000 new followers a week now!
In the last 32 days, by posting a link to my optin page on Facebook and Twitter, I built up a mailing list of 2,000 subscribers… without spending a dime!
My secret regarding how I make money online (how I monetize all this free traffic), is that like I learned while following your updates, I give away ebooks and products for free, and I upsell them on the thank you page! (the download page). So simple, yet very, very effective.

In total I have spent less than $250 on setting up this new business.
I am now making a full-time living thanks to what I learned, and soon I’ll reach $5,000 a month.

(we shall continue with Step #6 on Getting Thousands Of Facebook Fans & Group Members later on, you can also like our facebook page to get frequent  updates).

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