Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts


On this post we shall continue with Lie number two (2):
Lie No. 2 – This really isn’t sales. We just share products with people.
“It’s not selling. It’s sharing!”
Doesn’t that just give you warm fuzzies inside? This untruth also has a distant cousin which often takes the form of gibberish like this:
“Your family and friends should buy from you just because you’re you. I mean, why would they give their business to some large corporation when they could give it to a close friend or relative. It’s called keeping your money in close circles. People a hundred years ago used to do it.”
More about this. First, let’s talk about the severe ramifications this whole idea of “sharing” has for people who are just getting started.
Here are two major side effects of this lie:
Side Effect No. 1. There’s a huge deficiency of proper sales training because if it’s not sales, then there’s no need for sales skills. As a result, people are thrown to the wolves totally unprepared to retail their products and their opportunity.
Side Effect No. 2. People are set up for failure because they’re given false expectations about how easy this is going to be. Labeling this whole business as “sharing” makes it sound like child’s play. New distributors are given the impression they’re doing one thing, when in fact it’s something else entirely. They think this is going to be a cakewalk and when they find out it’s not they aren’t too likely to stick around.
When people are fed the idea that it’s simply a matter of sharing, they’re in for a very harsh reality check. They go out and eagerly “share” their incredible product with all their family members, only to be sorely disappointed when they’re shot down. Then they’re baffled as to why it didn’t work for them.
One of the main reasons people tell this lie is because they don’t want to scare new prospects away. They want people to get this nice, cozy feeling that all we’re doing is telling the rest of the world about our wonderful product and people will be so swept away by our enthusiasm that they’ll automatically buy.
After all, it’s common knowledge that most people hate sales. So uplines and sponsors will beat around the bush and basically sugar-coat this inconvenient and uncomfortable fact:
If You Are In Network Marketing, You Are In Sales.
Understand this: Anytime you’re asking another person to give you money in exchange for something, you’re talking about sales. Selling is not sharing and sharing is not selling.
We’ve all heard it before. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising there is, right? Right. What do you do when you see an incredible movie at the theatre? You tell your friends how awesome it was…how gripping the plot was…how engaging the actors were…blah, blah, blah, all that good stuff…and that they absolutely have to go see it. Same with eating out at a great restaurant or picking up your favorite artist’s new CD. People will be very likely to go spend money on these things after hearing a glowing report from you, their trusted friend. Here’s where the stick gets thrown into the spokes.
Your personal recommendation for all that stuff is so powerful because you have nothing to gain by “selling” them to your friends. As soon as you throw a financial interest into the mix, everything changes. Both for you and for them.
For starters, you’re not as comfortable. You don’t feel as natural as you did with something you don’t make money off of. Now you’re forcing it and as a result, it just doesn’t “flow” the same. It’s also different for them because they know you’re making money from the deal. It’s no longer an unbiased, “third party” opinion. People can smell an “incentivized” referral from a mile away. The whole dynamics of it has changed.
So the fact is, in network marketing you have now crossed over from the world of personal recommendation to the realm of direct sales. Don’t let anyone tell you they’re the same, because they’re not. Once you get this you’ll understand that you do indeed need to learn effective sales skills. It isn’t enough to just “recommend” your products to people you know.
Just Because Someone Is Your Friend Does Not Constitute A Good Enough Reason For Them To Buy From You.
It’s their hard earned money we’re talking about here. And now you need to give them real, solid and compelling reasons to buy your product instead of all the similar ones out there.
So therefore, just the same, all your family and friends should buy your products instead of going somewhere else. Well isn’t that nice.
What if your brother lives 40 minutes away from your McDonald’s and he’s got a Burger King that’s 3 minutes away. Is he still expected to drive all the way over to your business every time he wants a burger and fries? Or what if he doesn’t even like McDonald’s? What if he doesn’t like fast food at all? What if your brother doesn’t even like you? See where I’m getting with this?
Just because someone is your friend/relative does not mean they will or should spend their money with you. Yes, your warm market is an excellent way to go for retail customers…but…just as you would need to give a stranger strong enough reasons to buy your product, you need to do the same with your friends and family. You can’t expect them to buy from you.
You know, there are families who will give each other their business no matter what. No matter how inconvenient it may be, regardless of whether they even like the product or not, they support each other in all their endeavors. If your family is like that, great. But mine sure isn’t. And the reality is, a lot of people’s families aren’t like that.
So what it comes down to is this: Learning effective sales techniques is mandatory for success. You have to understand the sales process and what really motivates people.
For starters, know that…
When It Comes To Selling (And Therefore Network Marketing), Far Too Much Attention Is Paid To The Product And Far Too Little Attention Is Paid To The Person Doing The Buying!
Because there is one thing and one thing only that’s on your prospect’s mind…“What’s in it for me?” And the successful salesperson is not the one who knows their product inside and out and can talk the other person’s ear off…it’s the one who can best make the connection between their prospect’s true desires and how their product/service will fulfill those desires.
Simply getting excited and telling someone about your product is not enough to consistently bring in sales.
Continue enjoying your reading from our next post of the Number Three Lie from the 7 Great Lie Of Network Marketing.


Note that we didn’t finished on this topic of the 7 Great Lie Of Network Marketing we stopped due to it lengthy notes, so we are beginning from Lie number one (1) which states that - Everyone is your prospect.
Lie No. 1 - Everyone is your prospect
As I was compiling this list, I was trying to think of which lie was the worst. Which one was the absolute most detrimental to a business? Which one topped ‘em all as the “whopper of all whoppers?” I tried to narrow it down, but I just couldn’t bring myself to select a definite winner.
They’re all so bad. I’ll tell you though, this one was a serious contender for the title:
“Everyone is your prospect!”
A similar version of this lie is:
“Everyone wants this, they just don’t know it yet!”
An article found in a popular network marketing publication declares that, “You just have to believe that everyone is you prospect!” This insane belief has led to such ridiculous practices as the “3 foot rule” and the “when in doubt, blurt it out” technique.
Because of this lie, people have the mistaken idea that talking to anyone and everyone they come within arms length of is an effective recruiting technique. Prospecting Red Lobster waitresses…employees at Marshall Field’s…gas station clerks…total strangers at malls…the postman…kiosk stands…the girl at Caribou…leaving flyers on car windshields… …These kind of antics have damaged this industry’s reputation almost beyond repair.
They’ve absolutely destroyed any image of professionalism and made it harder for everyone to sponsor people. These “street hustler” methods of recruiting have single-handedly placed network marketing on the same level as some low-life schmuck peddling fake Rolexes in the minds of most people. It’s absolute lunacy. Don’t buy into this fallacy. This isn’t evangelism for cryin’ out loud! Not everyone is your prospect.
One of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned in marketing is this:
People Who Try To Be Everything To Everybody, Wind Up Meaning Nothing Special To Anyone.
See, not everyone is looking to run their own business. Contrary to what we’ve been told, there are actually a substantial amount of people who are 100% content with being an employee and have no desire whatsoever to change that.
Some people love their job and wouldn’t give it up for a million bucks.
Some people despise network marketing and would rather be buried alive than be associated with it.
Some people despise business in general. Some people think making lots of money is a bad thing.
Some people don’t have the funds to properly run a business.
Some people are absolutely scared to death of anything that involves risk.
Some people have plenty of money and aren’t looking for anything else.
Some people just plain old don’t care.
Some people don’t have time.
Some people just aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs and are better off working at McDonald’s.
Some people are perfectly content with where they are at in life and have no desire to change. That’s fine.
Whatever the case, you do not need to convince anyone to get into this business. It’s a waste of your time and energy to try and do so.
Please listen very carefully:
No One Is Worth Your Time Until They’ve Shown An Interest In What You’re Offering And Have Asked You For More Information.
I don’t care if someone fits the mold of what would normally be considered “the perfect mlm prospect”: mid ‘40s…absolutely despises their high-paying corporate j-o-b…wants out of their 9-5…loads of connections…great people skills…sure, they might be a potential prospect, but they’re not a prospect worth pursuing until they’re actively seeking a solution to their problem.
It doesn’t matter how qualified you think a person is or how good you think they’d be at this business. It’s not even enough if a person does want to start their own business. Until they go out of their way to get more information on how to do it, they’re just another bystander. Not a player in the game. They’re not worth going after.
Sure, someone could have great people skills (a waiter for example) but that doesn’t mean they’re a good prospect. They could be so violently opposed to mlm, business opportunities or any other way of making money besides being an employee that it would take a massive barrage of information to ever sway their opinion.
If someone has a strong belief about something it can take years to reverse that. It’s not a good use of your time to try and convince someone who disagrees with your way of thinking. As a business owner, your job is not to make a convert out of anyone. Your job is to get the maximum returns possible for your time and efforts. And that means talking with people who are, for the most part, already on the same page as you.
Well…why not at least prospect them and find out? For one, as stated before, it gives this industry a tacky, “second-rate” image. And secondly, it’s a horrible first impression for your prospect. Because you’ve just shown them exactly how you do business – soliciting total strangers. And no one wants to be a part of that.
You see, mlm uplines love to tote the fact that these marketing tactics (the 3 foot rule, etc.) don’t require any money and therefore are perfect for the average person who doesn’t have a whole lot of extra cash.
Here’s what they fail to tell you: Second rate advertising methods lead to second rate results. When you market this way, it shows your prospect that you’re the type of business person who isn’t professional (or successful) enough to invest in some respectable marketing methods. It immediately projects a “cheap,” rinky-dink image. Who wants to work with a person who advertises their business like that? Think about it.
Do dentists or doctors go around trying to prospect every single person they cross paths with? Hey there, got any built up plaque you want me to take a look at? Even if you do happen to hit on someone who has a “business mindset,” they’re not likely to take you seriously.
Why? Because…
…Who Finds Who First Is Very Important.
When you go head hunting and chase your prospect, the whole operation is doomed to failure because you’re viewed as a nuisance! When they find you and seek you out, you’re viewed as an expert. Positioning makes all the difference in the world.
For a very long time I believed that network marketing was the cure to financial cancer and it was my job to spread the good news throughout the land. Maybe you’ve thought that yourself. Maybe you still do.
But what finally hit me – after I began feverishly studying anything about marketing I could get my hands on – was this: Why make it harder on yourself than you have to? Why expend valuable time and energy trying to force-feed your opportunity down the throat of someone who’s entirely indifferent? Why do that when there are millions of people who actually do want to start their own business? The ones who warrant your attention are the ones who take the initiative and go out of their way to find out how to do it. These people are prospects.
Another problem with this mentality that really started to wear on me is, if everyone’s a prospect that means you have to constantly be “on the prowl.” Anytime you first meet somebody, you’re always looking for that “in.” The “in” that will allow you to bring up your opportunity. You know what I’m talking about don’t you? Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to worry about that? To hold a conversation without thinking of ways to recruit them in the back of your mind? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to separate your personal life from your business life? If that idea sounds appealing to you, keep reading. A little later I’ll talk about how to do this by having people come to you instead.
What if instead of having to fork out money for your prospects or leads…people actually PAID YOU upfront to prospect them? Sound impossible? Not when you understand the simple methods behind “information marketing.”
Continue enjoying your reading from our next post of the Number Two Lie from the 7 Great Lie Of Network Marketing.


On this post you’ll be exposed to some profound and highly-controversial truths and of course, untruths. You’ll discover some incredible principles that will save you an enormous amount of time, money and headaches in your business. Not only that, it also contains some of the most valuable marketing principles that you will ever learn.
Learning and applying these faithfully to all your endeavors is guaranteed to bring you phenomenal results.
The below are the 7 great lies of Network Marketing
Lie No. 1 – Everyone is your prospect.
Lie No. 2 – This really isn’t sales. We just share products with people.
Lie No. 3 – Anyone can do this.
Lie No. 4 – We’ll build your business for you.
Lie No. 5 – We have the best product ever.
Lie No. 6 – You just don’t have enough belief.
Lie No. 7 – The proven system.
If you feel like you’re struggling way too hard to make it in network marketing and nothing is happening, I publish this post specifically for you. Have you ever thought to yourself: There are going to be a better way to do this? Something’s missing - it can’t be this hard?
After years of religiously going to meetings, setting up appointments and showing the plan, I came to a point in my business where I hit a massive brick wall. For all my hard work, I had nothing to show for it but debt, an abundance of products and a dwindling list of friends who actually still talked with me. Maybe you can relate.
The worst part about it was, I could not – for the life of me – figure out why this wasn’t working! I was doing everything I had been told to do. In fact, I did way more than that. I was the kind of distributor you’d kill for. But I wasn’t any closer to the dream of financial freedom than I was when I started. So I began looking for real answers to why I was spinning my wheels. To make a long story short and get right to the point, I finally did figure out what was wrong. And when I did, my entire view of this business changed forever.
I’d like to share with you what I discovered:
Almost Everything You’ve Ever Been Taught About Building A Network Marketing Business Is Pure BS!
And here’s why: In this industry we have a genuine case of the blind leading the blind. Network marketing is very unique in that it’s the only business opportunity that’s ever been marketed to the general public on such a massive scale. Your average, every-day American is told that they can jump right into this, with no prior experience what-so-ever and make a killing within 6 months!
For example, on the website of one well known nutritional company, would-be distributors are told that “You don’t have to be a pro to succeed!” Unbelievable.
This self-destructive message is broadcasted to thousands of people over and over again as they join this industry. As a result, 95% of people who get involved in network marketing have absolutely no foundation in effective sales techniques or good business practices. This has severe side effects.
There’s a horrible mess of hype, hot air, misconceptions, falsehoods, delusions, distortions, myths and downright lies that get passed along from one sponsor to the next. This is what happens when you take a bunch of people who don’t have a clue about sales and marketing and have them tell a bunch of other people who don’t have a clue about sales or marketing, to go make a bunch of money doing it. The few techniques that actually do have some grounding in basic sales philosophy are all outdated and completely ineffective. They might work okay for you – if the year was 1984 – but in today’s modern society, these kinds of Neanderthal tactics will get you slaughtered.
You see, not only do the common methods taught in mlm not work, they’re extremely destructive as well. That’s why it’s so common to feel like you’re working yourself into the ground and not getting anything out of it. Well, I had put up with this for far too long. I started doing the opposite of what my upline had taught me to do and guess what? I didn’t just start to experience success – I was flooded with it. I went from desperately coercing one person every 5 months into my business…to having more eager prospects than I could handle.
By ignoring conventional mlm “wisdom,” I learned how to have prospects line up to join my company and sponsoring 10 people a month didn’t just become normal – it became routine. And if you’re willing to be open-minded and set aside any predisposed beliefs you currently have…for just a moment…you’ll discover how you can easily do this too. Network marketing doesn’t have to be so hard. Using the wrong techniques – like trying to force a square peg into a round hole – makes it hard.
So my purpose in publishing this post is to help you “deprogram” some of the nonsense and misconceptions that pollute internet marketing.
This is the crucial first step towards becoming a highly-effective, well-paid, professional network marketer. Then, once you have a clean slate to start with, you can begin learning how to really make this business work.
Enjoy your reading from our next post of the Number One Lie of the 7 Great Lie Of Network Marketing.


Over the past years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies getting into this business and finding the many benefits it can give them, the demand for web hosting has never been higher. These seem to be the trend of today.
About 38 million people have put up their very first websites online. It is estimated that, the Internet sales industry top the dollar bank. And to think of it, majority of those sites will be offering different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate into.
This only means one thing. It is easier now to find the right web host for your application. The possibility of quality web hosting companies separating themselves from the rest of the industry is anticipated. If this is done, the unprofessional and incompetent ones will suffer.
Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. It will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful.
This is a great opportunity for web hosting affiliates and resellers alike. There would hundreds of web hosting and programs to choose from that the difficulty in finding the right one for them is not a problem anymore.
How does one become a successful affiliate in the niche markets using web hosting? If you think about it, everyone who needs a website needs a web hosting company to host it for them. As of now, there is really no leading hosting industry so most people choose hosts based from recommendations. Usually, they get it from the ones that have already availed of a web hosting services.
With the many hosts offering affiliate programs, there is the tendency to find the one which you think will work best for you. Think of the product you will be promoting. Pattern them to the site and see if they are catering to the same things as you are.
When you have been with one host for quite some time and seem not to be making much despite all your effort, leave that one and look for another. There is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in another one. Things will only have to get better from there because you already have been in worst situations.
Try this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your web host, try to see if they are offering an affiliate program you can participate on. Instead of you paying them, why not make it the other way around; them paying you.
The process can be as easy as putting a small “powered by” or “hosted by” link at the bottom of your page and you are already in an affiliate business.
Why choose paying for your web hosting when you do not have to? Try to get paid by letting people know you like your web host.
Always remember that when choosing a web host, choose the one that is known for its fantastic customer support. There are also many hosting affiliate programs. Residual affiliate program is also being hosted. This is the program wherein you get paid a percentage every month for a client that you refer. This can allow you to have a steady source of income. With perseverance, you can even be quite successful in this field.
There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to penetrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing which one to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.
Web hosting is just one affiliate market you could try out and make some good and continuous income. Just remember that to be successful on your endeavor also means that time, effort and patience is needed.
Nobody has invented the perfect affiliate market yet. But some people do know how to make it big in this kind of market. It is just knowing your kind of market and making the earnings there.
So Many Affiliate Programs! Which One Do I Choose? Ask questions first before you join an affiliate program. Do a little research about the choices of program that you intend to join into. Get some answers because they will be the deciding point of what you will be achieving later on.
Will it cost you anything to join? Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining.
When do they issue the commission checks? Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice. Many affiliate programs are setting a minimum earned commission amount that an affiliate must meet or exceed in order for their checks to be issued.
What is the hit per sale ratio? This is the average number of hits to a banner or text link it takes to generate a sale based on all affiliate statistics. This factor is extremely important because this will tell you how much traffic you must generate before you can earn a commission from the sale.
How are referrals from an affiliate’s site tracked and for how long do they remain in the system? You need to be confident on the program enough to track those people you refer from your site. This is the only way that you can credit for a sale. The period of time that those people stay in the system is also important. This is because some visitors do not buy initially but may want to return later to make the purchase. Know if you will still get credit for the sale if it is done some months from a certain day.
What are the kinds of affiliate stats available? Your choice of affiliate program should be capable of offering detailed stats. They should be available online anytime you decide to check them out.
Constantly checking your individual stats is important to know how many impressions, hits and sales are already generated from your site. Impressions are the number of times the banner or text link was viewed by a visitor of your site. A hit is the one clicking on the banner or text links.
Does the affiliate program also pay for the hits and impressions besides the commissions on sales? It is important that impressions and hits are also paid, as this will add to the earnings you get from the sales commission. This is especially important if the program you are in offers low sales to be able to hit ratio.
Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site.
Is the affiliate a one tier or two tier program? A single tier program pays you only for the business you yourself have generated. A two tier program pays you for the business, plus it also pays you a commission on the on the sales generated by any affiliate you sponsor in your program. Some two-tier programs are even paying small fees on each new affiliate you sponsor. More like a recruitment fee.
Lastly, what is the amount of commission paid? 20% - 80% (and some cases, 100%!) is the commission paid by most programs. .01% - .05% is the amount paid for each hit. If you find a program that also pays for impressions, the amount paid is not much at all. As you can see from the figures, you will now understand why the average sales amount and hit to sale ratio is important.
Try to ask your affiliate program choices these questions.
These are just some of the questions that needed answering first before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with the many important aspects that your chosen program should have before incorporating them into your website.
It can help you select the right program for your site from among the many available.


Here we are starting from step 3 of this Topic THE 7-STEP FACEBOOK AUTOPILOT CASH STRATEGY
STEP #3: In each Facebook account, join 100 relevant Facebook Groups and Pages.
In each Facebook account, join 100 relevant Facebook Groups and Pages.
This is where you will find prospects for your new business (people interested in buying things from you, relevant to your chosen market).
For example, if your new Facebook account is focused on the ‘weight loss’ target market, join 100 weight-loss-related groups and pages.
Tip: use the Facebook search function at the top of your Facebook profile.
Type in the keywords you are looking for:
You will then see a list of Groups and Pages relevant to that keyword:
If you click on the ‘Groups’ tab on the left hand side, here’s what you see:
You will see in the example above how EASY it is to find THOUSANDS of new prospects for your marketing campaigns.
You see, Facebook is a real bonanza for marketers, because users TELL YOU what they’re interested in, through the keywords in their Profile description, the Groups they choose to join, the Pages they choose to ‘Like’, even their posts on their profile Wall!
STEP #4: Create A Facebook Page
In step #4, you are going to create a Facebook Page relevant to your target market. For example, if your Facebook account is focused on the ‘weight loss’ market, you could create a Facebook Page called ‘I Love Weight Watchers’.
What exactly is A facebook Page?
A Facebook Page is a miniature landing page on Facebook (kind of like a blog) that allows a business or an organization to communicate with users on Facebook. It is different from a Facebook profile (which is designed for people). While your Facebook profile represents you as a person, your fan page represents your business or organization.
I have set up a ‘Naijaultimateblog’ Facebook Page Having a Facebook Page allows you to have tens of thousands (even millions) of ‘fans’ – as opposed to a ‘Facebook Profile’ which only allows you to have 5,000 friends.
The Viral Power of facebook Pages
What’s GREAT about Facebook Pages is that your fans will be notified of new updates to your fan page.
Thousands (and even millions) of Facebook users can ‘Like’ your page (by clicking on the ‘Like’ button at the top of your page) …which means they become a ‘fan’ of that page…
This means that when you write a status update on your Facebook Page…the fans of the Page get to see the status update in their NEWSFEED on Facebook!
Here’s an example:
I wrote on my Facebook Page ‘I look forward to seeing you tonight on the webinar…’ and then copied & pasted the webinar registration URL.
The result was that 2,125 people saw that update in their NEWSFEED on Facebook! (and that was just from ONE update!)
“This means EXPOSURE for your business, this means CLICKS on the link and therefore TRAFFIC to your website, and ultimately… this means MONEY”.
(In a bit I am going to show you how to turn all this FREE EXPOSURE and FREE TRAFFIC into PROFIT)
What’s ALSO GREAT about Facebook Pages is that they get ranked in the search engines (so you can get MORE free traffic thanks to GOOGLE for example)…and EVEN BETTER is the fact that Facebook Pages are incredibly VIRAL!
Why? Because when someone on Facebook clicks the LIKE button on your page…
a) THEIR FRIENDS see that they’ve done this (so they find out about your page as well)
b) YOUR PAGE appears in their ‘likes’ on their Facebook Profile (their friends can see your Page there as well)
c) When they like or comment on one of your Page ‘status updates’ that update is seen in THEIR FRIENDS’ NEWSFEEDS TOO!
Each Facebook user has 230 friends on average. So imagine if you have 10,000 fans on your various Facebook Pages…it is almost like having a NETWORK of 2,300,000 people that you can potentially reach simply by posting daily STATUS UPDATES on your Facebook Page Wall!
“This means that you can quickly grow your pages to having TENS OF THOUSANDS AND EVEN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FANS VERY, VERY QUICKLY! Again, this means MORE EXPOSURE, more TRAFFIC, and more MONEY”.
Some people make approximately $3,000 a month by promoting CPA offers on their Facebook Pages. The great thing is … it only takes a couple of minutes to set up a Facebook Page! Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE OF CHARGE?
How To Create a Facebook Page
Once you’re logged into your Facebook account, to CREATE a Facebook Page go here:
You might want to create a Facebook Page about an Artist or band, a celebrity or Public Figure, a Company, Organization, or Institution, a Local Business or Place, a Brand or a Product, etc.
Typically, I personally like to create simple Pages about a ‘Cause or Topic’. For example, if I am targeting the weight loss market, I could create a Facebook Page called ‘I Love Weight Watchers’.
So I’d click on the ‘Cause or Topic’ option, and type in the TITLE of my Page:
When I click then on ‘Get Started’, here’s what happens:
The next thing I need to do is add a picture that is relevant to the topic.
Now once you have created your community page you will need to find a suitable picture (avoid using pictures that break copyright rules).
Use one of your own pictures (i.e. a picture you’ve taken yourself), or go to
I usually go to to find pictures (though sometimes I just one of my own pictures).

In I type in ‘lose weight’ in the search box: I download one of the images (make sure it isn’t a copyrighted image), and then upload it to my new Facebook Page.

Next, I click on the ‘info’ tab:
I am asked to type in some ‘Basic Information’ about the Page:

Fill in a bit about who this page is for, and type in one of your URLs (e.g. your affiliate link, or CPA link, or a link to an optin page of yours that captures leads, or a link to a website of yours where you sell your product, etc).

E.g. I will write who the Page is for (what my target market is), and if I have a website that I want to send traffic to already, I will add it there as well.

Next, I click on the ‘Wall’ tab, and I add a short ‘welcome’ message – again, pointing people to a website (if I have one ready – otherwise, I’ll fill this in at a later stage):

CONGRATULATIONS, you now have a new Facebook Page. Easy, right?

This is where we shall end the Step #4 of this post. (we shall continue with Step #4 on  How to find thousands of cool topics for your Pages! later, you can also like our facebook page to get frequent  updates).


After you send out the first e-mail ad it's very important to follow-up a day or two later with your list. People may have skipped over it the first time, sometimes people need to see an ad a couple of times before they click or buy or the first e-mail subject line never grabbed their attention.
Nowadays Internet software and e-mail filters can block you email messages from even getting to your opt-in subscribers.
This report will give thirty reasons to follow-up with your list subscribers. Just make sure to be honest when you use these follow-up strategies.


If you've been an affiliate for almost any length of time, you should know that offering an affiliate bonus is a powerful way to increase your commissions. You simply give them something for free or no cost for ordering the product through your affiliate link.
This short report contains 30 hot ideas for creating affiliate bonus. The affiliate bonus will give your target audience a good reason to purchase the product through your affiliate link. The best thing is that some of these affiliate bonuses you don't even have to create yourself.
The entire point of the ‘affiliate bonus’ is to encourage potential customers to purchase the product through your affiliate link.


The following report includes 50 powerful marketing formulas every marketer should know. Do you really need to know all of these formulas to be successful? Of course not. But if there are at least a few formulas you didn't know before, just imagine how valuable they could be to your business.
The most important thing is to study each marketing formula with an open mind. The more you understand about any formula, the more useful and beneficial it will be. A careful reading of these formulas could really make a big difference in your profits.
The entire point of this post is to give you inspirations and idea so that you might have new marketing ideas which help you to grow your business to the next level.


One of the most important things you can do is to presell your product before or even after your launches. Preselling will increase your conversion and sales rates better than just blind selling it.
People won't put up their buying defense shields as quit with a presell advertisement like they would with a direct buy offer. Preselling will educate them about the product and get them interested and excited in it before they have to make a decision to buy.
This post will give you 30 killer ideas to presell your product to your target audience.
1. Video Demonstrations
Show your target audience a video demonstration of how to use your upcoming product. When people better understand a product and what it can do for them the more persuaded they will be to spend their hard earned money on it.


This post contains a series of secrets called “Online Marketing Secrets”, and they will work at ANYTIME! Apply them to your marketing and you’ll be surprised at the results. I hope you’ll enjoy reading through them and find them to be useful in your own business.
To Your Success,
The Online Marketing Secrets Series starts below. We're not going in any particular order for the moment. This message is more for people who are already started than someone who is 100% brand new to internet marketing, but newbies will want to read it over, too.


this is a Guest post by Tom Cooper, for naijaultimateblog

Last Wednesday Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook are buying a popular messaging app, Whatsapp, for $19 billion, $4 billion in cash and the rest in stock. The deal quickly became the biggest acquisition yet, surpassing the previous record of $1bn Facebook payed for Instagram. Such a deal is a result of the increasingly fast-growing mobile business, where Facebook doesn't seem to be able to compete with largely popular quick messengers like Snapchat, LINE, and WeChat. Facebook also admit to having a decrease in younger users, who are leaving for mobile.
Last year Facebook made a $3bn proposal to Snapchat owners, but the offer was declined. Snapchat is a photo, video, and text messaging application where the sent content is stored for a short period of time (usually from 1 to 10 seconds), which is set by the addresser. The app is especially appealing to people concerned about privacy, for obvious reasons. Whatsapp doesn't work the same way but is extremely popular, especially in Europe and Latin America.


If you’re not particularly talented with either writing or design, but you have an understanding of online marketing, there are a couple of quick ways to make some cash.
Most affiliate programs and other online moneymaking methods take quite a bit of time to set up. In fact, it can take months to start making money with the average website, because you have to wait for the Google spiders to crawl your site, then to get backlinks, then for it to rank.
However, you can make money immediate with a couple of methods. You just need very basic online marketing skills, and you’re in business!
Instant Affiliate Commissions
One easy way to make money quickly is by promoting affiliate programs that pay instantly. The way these work is by using a script to send alternating sales to the affiliate and the product owner. Let’s say the product owner wishes to pay 50% commissions. The script would alternate, sending one sale to the product owner, and then one to you. That way, you get your money instantly, without having to wait for the product owner to pay you! It goes straight into your PayPal account.


Connecting Buyers And Sellers Together Through Information!
Before you create your own information products, it is easiest to learn the business by acting as a “middle-person” between the buyers and sellers of information. You'll still use information to do this.
This may seem confusing at first, so let me give you some examples.
Let's say that a potential buyer is looking for information on weight loss. They'll do their search in the search engine, and come across thousands of websites that offer diets, exercise tips and weight loss tips.
The main concern for this potential buyer is: “Which solution is best for me?”
Here's where you come in as the 'middle-person'. You've researched the weight loss market, and all of the major solutions and products available in it. You decide that Burn The Fat offers one of the best solutions for the money. Your job, then, is to connect with that buyer and show him or her why “Burn the Fat” is an ideal solution for them to invest in.


this is a guest post by Rachel Fox for Naijaultimateblog

She iss a blogger for Fox on Stocks and a passionate day trader, who have learned some pretty valuable lessons—sometimes the hard way. Here’s what to do (or NOT to do) to avoid making the same mistakes, and to fly ahead with your trading. 
1. Never take a stock tip. This is true whether you are making a quick trade, or a slow, long-term investment. Why? Because your timing may be different than when the “tipper” got into (and out of) the stock. Trust your own research and judgment. The sooner you do, the more you’ll understand how everything works and the better choices you’ll make.


Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer.

The market has grown in complexity, resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors.