On our last post We stopped at Buying An Old-Style Facebook Group & Change Name of the 7-step facebook autopilot cash strategy. Here we will begin with Getting Thousands Of Facebook Fans & Group Members.

STEP #6: Get Thousands Of Facebook Fans & Group Members
OK, so if you’ve followed the steps so far, you have…
1. Set up a Facebook Account
2. You chose a target market for that account
3. You joined 100 relevant Pages and Groups (from that target market)
4. You set up a Facebook Page
5. You Bought a Facebook Group, Took it over as an Admin, and Changed the Group’s name.

Now it’s time to get thousands of targeted Facebook fans and Group members on board. (by ‘targeted’, I mean that these people prospects from your target market and are interested in the topic you’re focusing on – e.g. ‘weight loss’).

Why do we want to have thousands of Fans and Members? Because this can be highly lucrative and make you a lot of money.

Let me illustrate this with some numbers…

How much is a facebook fan (Or Group member) Worth?
I estimate a Facebook Fan or Group Member is worth on average $0.25 per month. According to a new study by Vitrue, the average fan is worth $3.60 in earned media. $3.60 / 12 months = $0.30 per month per fan.

The point I am making is that there seems to be a consensus that Facebook Page FANS and Facebook Group MEMBERS are worth approximately $0.25 per month.

In this STEP #6 of this course I am going to teach you how to get tens of thousands of facebook fans and members for just cents…

How to get thousands of facebook fans and group members
There are many things you can do to get thousands of Fans and Group Members. Let’s start with the basic things you must do.

a. Click on the share button and Post to your profile
For starters, when you set up your Facebook Page, you can click on the ‘Share’ button and post it to your Profile, so that your Facebook Friends see it. You can also ‘Send as a Message instead’, although this is very time consuming, as you would need to choose your Facebook friends one by one (though maybe this is a task for an outsourcer to do for you – more on this in Step #8).

b. Invite people from the 100 relevant groups and pages you joined, to become your friends
Every day, go into some of these Groups and Pages and invite 50 or more new friends from these targeted Facebook Groups and Pages, to your relevant Facebook account. (e.g. Invite people from the 100 weight-loss Groups and Pages that you joined, to join your Facebook account where you are focusing on the weight-loss market)

You can click on one of the people, go to their profile, and then click on ‘Add as Friend’. The result is that each one of your new Facebook accounts grows with targeted prospects (i.e. people that we know are interested in this specific topic).

Tip: you might need to have 8-10 Facebook accounts and invite just 20 people per account per day, so that Facebook doesn’t freeze your account.

Doing this all yourself, manually, on a full-time basis, means that you can probably get 5,000 or so facebook ‘friends’ in 30 days (if you use multiple accounts). That’s a good start. But luckily there are some strategies to turbocharge your results (for example, by using outsourcers or software automation – more on this later).

c. Invite your friends
You can of course invite all your Facebook friends to ‘Like’ your page, by clicking on the ‘Suggest to Friends’ button, and then selecting your friends (I recommend putting your friends in ‘lists’ of 200 or so people, to make this task faster).

d. Promote your page on your website
If you have an existing website or blog that is getting good traffic, you can always click on the ‘Add Like Box’ option, and have a ‘Like’ button on your sites.

e. Tell your Fans
You can upload up to 5,000 contacts with a .csv file onto facebook and invitations to like the page will be sent to these people (this is an option for you if you have an existing mailing list).

f. Do joint venture Ad-Swap on facebook
Thanks to this strategy I built up a mailing list of 20,000 subscribers at zero cost, and last year I did $200,000 in sales in 90 minutes thanks to a webinar. The name of this strategy? It’s called ‘Joint Venturing’.
It can be VERY powerful, very fast, and costs absolutely NOTHING to implement.

You see, your ideal prospects (your target market) are probably already on someone else’s mailing list. They’re probably already a member in someone’s Facebook Group, or they already ‘liked’ someone’s Facebook Page about this topic…

So why not find other Group creators and Page administrators in your niche, to do joint ventures with!
Simply contact them and say something like,
Hi there, my name is john carley, and I noticed you have a successful group/page called “X”. I happen to also have a group/page on this topic. It is called “X”. if you are interested in growing your fanbase at no cost, I would like to propose we do a simple cross-promotion. I will invite all of my friends and fans to like your page, at no cost to you, in exchange for you reciprocating by inviting your fans to my page. If this sounds like something you would like to do, please feel free to contact me. Warm regards. John Carley.

g. Post daily on your facebook page wall.
Post 4 updates a day on the Facebook Page Wall. Important: alternate good content (valuable information, or interesting quotes, sayings, statistics, facts, news, tips, etc) with offers (selling products that make you a commission).

This way people will like you and your Facebook Pages and Groups, and will click more. Note: the more often you post on your Facebook Page Wall the faster your Facebook Page will grow (this is not the case for Facebook Accounts or Facebook Groups).

Why will your Facebook Page grow faster and virally? Because your posts will appear in the ‘Newsfeed’ of your page’s fans, and when they ‘like’ the post or the when they comment on the post…then their friends see it as well in their newsfeed!

This means that the more often you post, the more likely it is for people to notice your Page and more and more people click to join your Facebook Page!

This viral growth can be HUGE!

Tip: post 1 to 4 status updates on your Facebook Page ‘Wall’ per day, with interesting content, and your number of fans will grow virally very fast. Make sure you provide interesting content to them on a regular basis.

You can get some great content for free, on, (videos), and also, look for lists of famous quotes, sayings, aphorisms, etc. on Google.

It is recommended that you give interesting content 2-3 times, and then make an offer in your 3rd or 4th post.
This way, you are not ‘burning your list’ or annoying your Fans and Group members by constantly trying to sell something to them.

h. Buy micro-outsourcing gigs.
For added leverage, you can use ‘gigs’ (they cost $5 each), to get other people to promote your Facebook Pages or your Facebook Groups.

I spent $320 on gigs towards the end of last year and I got 11,680 business opportunity seekers to join my various Facebook Groups in less than 2 months! This means that I got prospects (leads) for less than $0.03 per lead! I found that every $5 gig got me approximately 100 to 200 new Facebook Group members or Page fans.

By the way, is not the only website that offers such ‘gigs’.
Check out these websites:

Make a record of who you bought gigs from, and who delivered outstanding value for you.
Note: you might need to make the gig provider an ‘Admin’ of your Page, for them to be able to invite all of their friends to ‘Like’ your page or join your Group.

Make sure you remember to remove him as Admin as soon as the task has been completed!
i. Use facebook events to promote your facebook page.
Another way of contacting all your Facebook friends and informing them of your new Facebook Page, is by setting up a Facebook Event in your Facebook profile, inviting all of your friends, and then emailing them through the ‘Message All Guests’ tool in your Facebook Event (more on how to do this in a bit).
j. Use facebook Ads to promote your page.
The latest strategy for getting thousands and thousands of Fans quickly, involves using Facebook Ads.
When you are on your Facebook Page, you can click on ‘Promote with an Ad’:

The upside of using Facebook Ads to promote a Facebook Page, is that you can very quickly get MILLIONS of impressions on Facebook, and lots and lots of traffic, for just $0.01 to $0.05 per click.

The downside of this strategy, is that it is not a free traffic generation strategy, which means that you need to spend money to get this traffic.

Let me explain what I mean.
My friend got 60,000 fans to like a Facebook Page in 2 days, thanks to Facebook ads…and then repeated the feat by getting 100,000 fans to another Facebook Page in just 24 hours!

He gets traffic for just $0.01 to $0.03 per click. To get 60,000 people to click ‘Like’ on his Facebook Page, he got 200,000 people to click on his ad in just 48 hours.
200,000 x $0.01 = $2,000 in advertising expenses.

The good news was… he made $5,000 straight away by promoting a CPA offer to them!
AND he now has more than 60,000 fans (and growing all the time, virally) that he can communicate with and promote offers to!

One of my followers used this strategy to promote one of his Facebook Pages. He got 426,000 impressions of his ad (his ad appeared on people’s Facebook accounts 426,000 times), and he got 903 clicks on his ad, at a cost of £9.59 ($15). That’s just $0.017 per click!
Basically, he spent $15 and got 500 new fans this way (and this now grows virally).

Creating a Facebook Ad to promote your Facebook Page is fairly straightforward. When you click on ‘Promote with an Ad’… a page appears, where you can ‘Design Your Ad’:

You will need to:
a. Write the Title of the ad
b. Write the Body of the ad
c. Upload a picture (although typically it is recommended you use the same picture as you have for the Page itself)

In the next section you need to select who you are ‘targeting’ with your ad. For examples, I have chosen below Women, aged 25-45, who live in 5 English-speaking countries. We see that there are 69,147,140 women on Facebook who fit these criteria.

But in the next section, ‘Likes & Interests’, I am going to narrow the targeting to Women who are part of Groups or Pages relating to ‘weight loss’, or ‘losing weight’:

You will found about 200,840 Women, in these 5 countries, in that age group, that fit these criteria. Because my ad is relevant to their ‘Likes and Interests’, they are much more likely to click on my ad.

Making ads that grab attention is essential for a successful campaign. The more attention-grabbing your advertisement, the more clicks (traffic) you get and the cheaper your traffic becomes (this results in higher profit levels and allows you to scale up a campaign rapidly).

Your ads must ENGAGE users, and needs to…
1. GRAB ATTENTION! (the image)
The Image needs to tell the story, and grab their attention! (don’t just put your logo!!). The image determines to a large extent your click-through rate.
2. ASK A QUESTION! (the title)
Headlines should usually be in the form of questions. The title is important….
The IMAGE makes a great Facebook Ad, but the title and body text influences your conversion rate.
While the image pulls in the users’ eyes, the title and body text are what cause the user to click onto the ad.
3. MAKE A PROMISE! (the body text)
Body text should make ONE big promise… and that promise should be delivered on the landing page. Also, have a Call to Action, to encourage people to click. (e.g. “Click here Now”)

If you do these 3 things you will produce solid ads.

Tips For Writing Compelling Ad Copy:
Ask an EMOTIONAL question in the Headline
“Are you an MJ fan?”
.evokes Loyalty/patriotism emotion
“Is he cheating on you?”
.evokes Fear/paranoia emotion
Key: identify the emotion you want to arouse in your reader.
“Lonely?” or “Who Searched You?” – The usage of the question mark brings a good click through rate.

Tease the reader
“Impossible IQ Question”
“97.6% get this question wrong”
“How many Eyes?”
“She’s too hot for you”
“Think you might be wild & horny enough for her? Come meet her on and prove it to her!”

Appeal to Users’ Intelligence and Self-Esteem – People like to think they can be one of a few people to do something. Appealing to this ego mentality means we can grab a bunch of people who are willing to do what it takes to know if they are better.

First person’s perspective
(Testimonial Style)
State 1 ‘HUGE’ Benefit
Make comparisons (idea: Target users of a particular brand and recommend a better product.)
Leverage on current affairs
Always have a call to Action in your ad.

Extra Ad Writing Tips:
1. When writing Facebook Ads, remember ‘AIDA’:
- Attention (grab their Attention!),
- Interest (what’s in it for their self-interest, what’s in it for me),
- Decision/Benefit,
- Action! (commands on exactly what they must do next!)
2. Be conservative, especially in the beginning
If you’re selling bicycles, simply say: “Bicycle for sale”
3. Tweak ads after 2 days if CTR is under 2%
Apparently, if your ad gets less than 2% CTR, Facebook will show your ad less and less (you may need to tweak targeting; see previous section)
4. Plan to rotate in new ads and pictures every 7-10 days (or whenever CTR drops)
People don’t wake up and go to Google and type in ‘London plumber’, then do it again the next morning, then the next morning, etc. Facebook is different to Google. On Facebook you’re marketing to the SAME people every single day.

There are 114,000 or so fans of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’. Within a few weeks ALL of them will have seen my ad! (and that’s where ‘banner blindness’ can set in). Their brain ignores it from then on. So you’ve got to go in there and change the ad, and change the picture.

Your Ad IMAGE must be…
a. Attention grabbing
b. Relevant
c. Sexy women images for male demographics
d. Pictures showing women with their cleavage, for certain offers, gets the most clicks.
e. Pictures of people smiling, looking straight out, gets CLICKS.

The image of the ad is the MOST important part of the ad. This is because the image is what grabs the user’s attention away from the normal browsing experience while on Facebook.

Ads without images tend to under-perform compared to those ads with images. But what image will work best?
It’s impossible to tell exactly what type of image will bring the most clicks. You really need to split test multiple images. Here are some guidelines to find the best types of images based upon what has worked REALLY well for me:

Use Amateur Looking Photos – Those professional stock photography looking photos tend to look too much like an advertisement while the amateur looking photos tend to look like “user generated” content that people are used to seeing on Facebook. In the sample ads above, you can see that the photo of the dad with his baby does not look professional.
Use Shocking Images – Shocking images catch the attention of users very well. This can be a car crash or a face full of acne for example. Shocking images grab the attention because we are all interested in the things that shock us.
Use Celebrity Images – Celebrity images are hard to get through Facebook’s approval process at times but if you can get them through. The images generally grab the user’s attention very well.
Use Localized Images – When you’re targeting a specific region, using an image that only that region would know about or that relates to that region can be very powerful in grabbing the user’s attention. One such example is showing a California drivers license as the ad image when targeting California drivers for an auto insurance offer.

Remember: Don’t use plain and boring images. (You can find images using Google image search, but be aware of any copyright issues)

Test Multiple Images
Just like I mentioned a little above, you never know what will do well for your particular campaign. You really need to start by testing 3-4 images and keep the winner.
Sneaky trick: Use extra words in your images, to sneak in extra copy!

a. No all caps (use proper capitalization)
b. No incorrect spelling, grammar, or slang
Facebook doesn’t like ALL CAPS, irrelevant images, don’t use funky characters
like ‘$’ for money or ‘4’ for ‘for’, etc.
c.  No incomplete thoughts
d. NO B.S. Discounts
(They go and check your landing page)
We put ‘free download’ on the ad, but people could get the free download only if they ‘liked’ our page.
If they have to optin to download it, or take some action to download it, FACEBOOK WILL REJECT THE AD.

The promise from your ad must be instantly delivered after they click. If you say in the ad ‘Subscribe to download XYZ’, then it’s ok.
e. Use of irrelevant images (big no-no’s!)
f. Nothing can be offensive
Headlines like ‘Hey You, Ashtray Breath!’, Or: ‘Hey Fattie!’ are very effective with Google Adwords but you CAN’T use this with Facebook Ads. (Facebook wants users to have a positive, ‘nice’ experience on their site – and not be offended or made to ‘feel bad’ while on Facebook. Facebook won’t allow shocking ads or insulting ads.
They want a friendly user experience. They don’t want anyone entering their private CLUB and insulting their members. (remember: you are a guest of Facebook)
g. No abbreviations or symbols for words

Tell the truth, write it like you’re being graded by a teacher, and be nice.
Note: for more information on how to profit from Facebook Ads, check out my ‘Facebook Ads Special Report’ in your Members Area.

(To be continue from Step #7 on Finding products to SELL later on the 7-step facebook autopilot cash strategy, you can also like our facebook page to get frequent  updates).

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