If you are intending to use webinars as your primary marketing tool, you might have been advised that one of the errors you can make in hosting a webinar is to make it into an infomercial about your product. Covertly selling your product during the webinar might turn your audience off especially when the content of the presentation is entirely focused on the product. On the other hand, not mentioning or emphasizing the product at all would give you the sales results that you want. What you need to do is to create a balance between the informational and promotional aspects of the webinar.

To achieve this balance, there are several considerations that you would have to think about in conceptualizing the webinar. The first one is time. You should remember that your sales pitch must not overshadow your goal of giving something of value to your audience. Thus, in a webinar that lasts for about one hour, 45 minutes should be spent teaching and the remaining 15 minutes should be allotted for the promotional part. If you go beyond this, you might not be able to establish the rapport that you need with your audience.

While this time assignment is ideal, there is no assurance that you would be able to sell your products by following it. This leads us to the second consideration in achieving that balance in your webinar. What would actually sell your product is how you present it. A good sales pitch would include a detailed explanation of what your product is, testimonials from people who actually bought the product and were benefited by the product and, of course, how and where they could buy your product. You must also be able to give credible answers to the questions from the audience about your product.

Another important consideration if you really want to achieve your sales target is for you to be able to establish a need for the product in the informational part of the webinar. You should be able to present the rationale why they have to buy your product. Once you have done this, it will be easier for you to promote it since their minds have already been set to look for their options to answer the need that you created.

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